Dr. Jacqueline Benoot © 2012. Site design: Henrie Timmers

309 Commissioners Road, West, Unit E,

London, ON N6J 1Y4

Phone: 519.709.2797

Email: dr.j.benoot@gmail.com

Dr. Jacqueline Benoot Chiropractor
Book an appointment with Dr. Jacqueline Benoot, Balanced Care Clinic using SetMore

Four Methods of Adjustment

We believe an informed client will feel more at ease.  The following information is a condensed version of four of the adjustment services we provide.

1) Manual adjustments (traditional) to the joints of spine and extremities.  

Diversified:  this is the traditional chiropractic technique. Using specific manual high-velocity, low amplitude thrusts to the joint to restore normal bio mechanical function, proper movement and alignment of the spine and extremities.

Thompson Drop-table technique:  the use of a mechanical drop mechanism on the adjusting table, requiring less force for the adjustment.

2) A mechanical adjusting instrument

Activator:   this is a gentle high-speed, light force technique that uses a small hand-held spring loaded instrument to deliver quick and precise adjustment to the joints to improve mobility. This method is safe for all age groups.

Arthrostim:  this instrument produces a rapid thrust/recoil motion at a rate of 12 times per second. Simply put, it maintains a consistent peak force, whereby the total impulse of a chiropractic adjustment is divided into equal, smaller impulses known cumulatively as the “controlled repetitive input”. This provides a comfortable and effective adjustment.

As an alternative to manual adjustments, these adjusting instruments have the flexibility to deliver a range of a few ounces of pressure, up to 40 pounds of force, depending on the individual needs.  

3) Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) – this is a soft tissue technique that is movement based.

ART is a technique that locates and breaks down scar tissue and adhesions found in and between muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia and nerves, used to improve mobility and decrease symptomatology.  Dr. Benoot is full-body certified, treating the upper extremity, lower extremity, spine, and nerve entrapments.  Dr. Benoot utilizes this technique to compliment your chiropractic adjustment when needed, or for more serious cases, you can book in for an extended chiropractic session to address larger soft tissue concerns.  For more info, please see: http://www.activerelease.com/

4) Acupuncture

This treatment modality has been around for thousands of years. Through the insertion of very fine needles into specific acupuncture points, acupuncture is used to promote natural healing, reduce or eliminate pain and improve the body's overall function. Scientifically, acupuncture has been shown to increase blood supply, stimulate nerves and release neurotransmitters, including endorphins. These responses can block pain signals to the brain, decrease inflammation, repair injured tissue and help to restore the body's healthy balance.