Dr. Jacqueline Benoot © 2012. Site design: Henrie Timmers

309 Commissioners Road, West, Unit E,

London, ON N6J 1Y4

Phone: 519.709.2797

Email: dr.j.benoot@gmail.com

Dr. Jacqueline Benoot Chiropractor
Book an appointment with Dr. Jacqueline Benoot, Balanced Care Clinic using SetMore

Balanced Care Clinic

About Dr. B:

Dr. Jacqueline Benoot graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic of Dallas, Texas in 1995.  She returned to Canada in 2002, and has been practicing in London ever since.  With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Benoot treats a variety of cases with a variety of methods, depending on individual needs.

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Comments or Questions:

Dr.Jacqueline Benoot (Chiropractor):  www.drjbenoot.com 519-709-2797

Chiropractic Care:

(Manual Adjustments, and Mechanical Device-assisted Adjustments)

Active Release Technique (A.R.T.)

Laser Therapy

Acupuncture (Licensed with ACO)

Dr. Peter Deshane (Chiropractor): www.peterdeshane.net  519-630-1654

Chiropractic Care:

(Manual Adjustments, and Mechanical Device-assisted Adjustments)

Neuro-Emotional Technique (N.E.T.)

Neurofeedback – LENS therapy

LENS, Neurofield, Loreta Neurofeedback


Laser Therapy

Custom Orthotics

Laurie Benoot, RMT (Registered Massage Therapist):  www.lauriebenootrmt.com


Massage Therapy:  (Therapeutic Massage and Relaxation Massage)

Therapeutic Ultrasound

Lymphatic Drainage

Myofascial Therapy

Jennifer Wilkens (Neurofeedback Technician): https://www.londonneurofeedback.com/                                                                          https://www.canadaconcussionclinic.com/



Low Energy Neurofeedback Systems  (LENS)

-QEEG Brain mapping

-Neurofield Magnetic Stimulation

-LORETA Neurofeedback

Kira Benoot, R.ac ( Registered Acupuncturist): https://www.kirabenootrac.ca/


TCM Acupuncture (licensed with CTCMPAO)

- Cupping

- Gua Sha

- Laser Acupuncture

- Kinesiology taping